Robert Pinnuck

Executive Director / Head of Research, Listed Equities

Joined in 2016


About Robert

Rob is Head of Research and a Senior Portfolio Manager for the Large Cap Active Equities strategies, responsible for leading the research effort as well as stock analysis, systematic research and portfolio construction. He has also written and designed the team’s portfolio analytics software called Portfolio Interactive (PI). Rob has more than 20 years of investment experience and has an extensive background in systematic research and portfolio management. Rob brings a variety of experience spanning numerous roles across three funds management and three broking firms. Within broking, he has built detailed forecast stock valuation & financial statement models across a number of companies drawing on his accounting, fundamental skills and valuation techniques in addition to quantitative research. He also co-authored numerous strategy papers for Goldman Sachs and played a pivotal part in rolling out and managing a derivation of Stern Value Managements Economic Value Add (EVA) modelling. Robs fund management experience varies from being on the global portfolio construction committee at State Street Global advisors to researching and publishing white papers at AMP Capital. It also exposed him to a variety of asset class (FI, Cash, Infrastructure, Property, and Equities) and investment techniques (fundamental, passive, long short, minimum volatility, Asian equities). He joined IFM Investors from AMP Capital, where he was Deputy Head of the Multi-Strategy Team.