Our Infrastructure strategies

IFM Investors is a pioneer and leader in global infrastructure investing.

We manage critical infrastructure assets that generate wide-ranging social and economic benefits to communities across the world. 

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Where, how and why we invest

Primarily, our strategy is to invest in OECD countries, with a focus on North America, UK/Europe and Australia, across a range of sectors. Once purchased, we adopt a hold, manage and reinvest strategy, with opportunistic exits.

We take a long-term approach to investments and choose assets that typically have strong market positions, a predictable regulatory environment, high barriers to entry, limited demand-elasticity and long lives.

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We believe that aligned institutional investors can access potential benefits by investing in global core infrastructure, including:

  • An independent manager whose objectives are aligned with its investors
  • An experienced, talented global team of more than 100 dedicated infrastructure specialists
  • A track record of more than 25 years in infrastructure with a seasoned, growing portfolio of assets
  • Strong deal flow based on historical experience, a rigorous investment process and active asset management
  • Access to proprietary investment opportunities, generated through an existing global asset footprint, industry relationships and partners
  • Commitment to integrating sustainable investing considerations into our responsible, long-term investment approach, and
  • Investment structures that may be suited to long-life assets.

Australian core infrastructure

We invest in essential Australian infrastructure assets.

We seek investments in long-life assets with strong market positions, located in predictable regulatory environments, and where there are high barriers to entry and limited demand elasticity.

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We believe that aligned institutional investors can access benefits by investing in Australian core infrastructure, including:

  • An independent manager whose objectives are is aligned with its investors

  • An experienced, talented global team of more than 100 dedicated infrastructure specialists

  • A track record of more than 25 years in infrastructure with a seasoned, growing portfolio of assets

  • Strong deal flow based on historical experience, a rigorous investment process and active asset management

  • Access to proprietary investment opportunities, generated through an existing global asset footprint, industry relationships and partners

  • Commitment to integrating ESG considerations into our responsible, long-term investment approach, and

  • Investment structures that may be suited to long-life assets.

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Find out more about our infrastructure portfolio