Treasury Services

Our Treasury Services team invests Australian dollar cash and bonds, and US dollar cash portfolios.

These investments focus on efficiently managing the liquidity needs of our investors, whilst aiming to deliver above benchmark investment returns.

Explore our thought leadership
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A dynamic approach

We combine top-down macro analysis, bottom-up security and company analysis and a review of market dynamics. The approach aims to exploit price inefficiencies to add value across the bank bill swap curve, through duration management and active credit selection.

With teams in New York and Melbourne we collaborate for ‘around the clock’ monitoring of client portfolios, market-moving trends and insights.

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In focus - Transaction cash

We manage cash investments for eligible institutional investors, aiming to provide them with a regular income as well as liquidity and preservation of capital.

Key features of our approach include:

  • Disciplined cash process with strong risk controls.
  • Rigorous bottom-up credit skills within a disciplined investment framework.
  • Strong liquidity and treasury management heritage.
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In focus - Australian bonds

We manage core Australian fixed income investments for eligible institutional investors that seek to lower risk while aiming to outperform nominated benchmarks:

Key features of our approach include:

  • Diversified exposure to AUD denominated government, semi-government, supranational and credit bonds

  • Implementation of a range of high information ratio strategies that aim to outperform nominated benchmarks

  • Liquidity and portfolio diversification, aim to reflect Australian Dollar core investment grade fixed bond holdings based on market weight exposures