
Managing Social Risks in Unlisted Infrastructure

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Navigating Social Risks in the Modern Workplace

Workplaces increasingly face social risks as a result of megatrends such as rapid industry and occupational shifts, workforce transitions, climate change, and the rise of artificial intelligence. We believe that fostering socially sustainable workplaces is crucial to mitigate these risks and capitalise on opportunities.

Watch the insightful discussion between IFM's Chair, Cath Bowtell, and Professor John Buchanan summarising the key points from our latest Sustainable Investment Investor Roundtable event, offering valuable perspectives and strategies for navigating these complex issues.

Interview with Cath Bowtell and John Buchanan - SI Roundtable.PNG

Enhancing Social Sustainability in the Workplace

A socially sustainable workplace cultivates and enhances its skill base while reinforcing the social fabric that binds it as a social entity, and it controls the tendency towards work intensification that compromises skill development and social connection. Presently, social capital metrics for assessing and driving change in this area are limited.

IFM’s infrastructure team is collaborating with the University of Sydney to improve metrics on social sustainability in infrastructure workplaces, with the aim to aid investment and asset management decisions.

Watch the interview with Professor John Buchanan from the University of Sydney sharing his insights and research results on socially sustainable workplaces and how to create environments that support both skill development and strong social connections.

Interview with Prof John Buchanan - SI Roundtable.PNG

Discover why IFM cares about social practices in infrastructure

In this video interview with IFM’s Chair, Cath Bowtell explains the vital role social sustainability plays in our projects and how it benefits communities and stakeholders alike.

Interview with Cath Bowtell - SI Roundtable.PNG